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Austudy 2024: Latest News, Rates, Eligibility, and Payment Calculator

In this article, discover the latest updates on Austudy Payment 2024, including news, rates, eligibility, and payment calculator. Austudy is a federal financial support program designed to assist mature students and low-income learners in Australia. These payments fall under the Social Security Act 1991. For 2024, the Department of Human Services has introduced specific rate changes to address inflation. Keep reading to stay informed about Austudy Payment 2024 and more.

Austudy Payment 2024 Latest News

In 2024, Austudy Payment has seen an increase of $36.20 to $45.60 per fortnight, reflecting adjustments for inflation from January 2024. Austudy, a taxable Centrelink payment, offers financial assistance tailored to individual circumstances and eligibility criteria. Individuals aged 25 or above, enrolled in full-time Australian Master’s or Ph.D. programs, qualify for this income support from the Australian Government.

Starting January 2024, beneficiaries will receive higher payments based on their situations. For instance, singles with no children will get $639.00, while singles with children will receive $806.00. Couples will also experience an increase of $45.60, with those without children receiving $639.00 and those with children getting $691.80 fortnightly. Additionally, payment amounts are influenced by both individual and partner income, as well as total assets.

Austudy Payment Rates

In 2024, Austudy rates have gone up by $36.20 to $45.60 per fortnight. These rates depend on individual circumstances and qualifications. The Federal Department of Human Services in Australia employs various rates to determine income support. The specific payment amount an eligible individual receives ranges from $639 to $691.80 fortnightly, based on their situation.

To qualify for increased income support from Austudy, recipients must meet certain criteria:

  1. Have been receiving an income support payment before applying for Austudy, excluding student payments.
  2. Maintain continuous receipt of income support for approximately 26 to 39 weeks before commencing the study.
  3. Have no dependent children. The higher rates for individuals without children are $754.60 for singles and $691.80 for couples without children.

These federal rates represent the Austudy Payment, and recipients without dependent children won’t receive additional benefits.

Eligibility for Austudy 2024

Austudy Payment is determined by two main criteria: one for students and another for apprentices. Meeting residence rules, income tests, and assets tests is essential. Austudy, a federal income support payment, offers varying support based on these criteria.

For students, eligibility requires being 25 years or older, enrolled full-time in an approved course at an approved institution.

Apprentices, also 25 years or older, need to be registered with the Australian Apprenticeship scheme and engaged in a full-time traineeship or apprenticeship.

When applying, meeting income tests, assets tests, DVA payment qualifications, residence rules, study loads, course approval, allowable time, obtaining a medical certificate, and engaging in distance or online education are crucial considerations.

Austudy Amount Calculator

The Austudy Payment amount calculator helps determine an individual’s Austudy rates by considering income and assets. Social Services Australia utilizes this tool to establish payment rates for beneficiaries. The calculator, based on government-set federal rates, allows eligible recipients to plan and manage their living and education expenses effectively.



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