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BC Tax Tool: Calculate Income, Sales, and Property Taxes

Explore BC Tax: Calculate Income, Sales, and Property Taxes along with other details. In Canada, income tax plays a crucial role in contributing to the government’s annual revenue. In the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018, the federal government collected three times more from personal income taxes than any other revenue source. This article provides a brief overview of the BC Tax Calculator, the various taxes in British Columbia, the tax rates applicable to residents, and more.

BC Tax Calculator

You can access the BC Tax Calculator on the internet. The tax calculation covers income, RSRP contributions, capital gains, and more. It’s advisable to use a reliable website for accurate tax calculations.

In British Columbia, taxes are determined based on both Federal and Provincial rates. Citizens are required to pay a federal tax rate of 20.06% and a provincial tax rate of 53.5%. These rates represent the lower and higher tax brackets that apply.

The BC Tax Calculator takes into account different factors, including individual type, business ownership, monthly or annual income, and related criteria.

BC Tax Brackets

In British Columbia, personal income tax rates are assigned to specific tax brackets, which come into play when an individual earns a higher income within a fiscal year.

For personal income tax, citizens are required to submit a tax return detailing their expenses for the current financial year. This essential process enables Canadian residents to pursue various opportunities such as applying for loans, purchasing property, and other potential reasons.

Tax Bracket

Tax Rate (in %)

$0 to $45,654


Upto $91310










More than $240,716


The table provided illustrates the tax brackets and rates that undergo changes periodically. The decision to modify these rates entirely rests with the Government of British Columbia.

BC Sales Tax Calculator

A 7% Provincial Sales Tax (PST) is applicable to goods and services, with some exceptions. This provincial tax is an annual obligation, requiring individuals to share their financial records with the Government. The sales tax applies whether you own a business in Canada or hold authority over a specific item.

BC Insurance Tax Calculator

BC citizens may face a tax of approximately 10% on claimed or future insurance assets. These assets encompass premium deposits, registration fees, and associated information. It’s important to note that this percentage is negotiable, especially in the context of health insurance or other specific circumstances.

BC Property Tax Calculator

Taxable transactions are determined by the market value as follows:

  • 1% applies to amounts up to $200,000.
  • 2% is for amounts exceeding $200,000.
  • 3% is for values surpassing $2,000,000.

BC citizens who own assets are responsible for paying these taxes. Additionally, there is an extra property transfer tax that varies based on whether the citizen is a resident of BC or a non-resident.

Every tax mentioned above has a specific due date for submission, and citizens are obligated to pay penalties if they miss the deadline. Seeking assistance from a Chartered Accountant is crucial in such cases. These professionals possess the necessary knowledge and skills related to taxes and the BC Tax Calculator, and they can provide guidance on specific queries you may have.

Why Is Paying Taxes in British Columbia Important?

Filing a tax return offers various benefits to both the Government and BC citizens. Individuals receive tax credits on the amount paid to the Government. Residents can choose to file their tax returns online or offline. The online form is available in simple language and requires specific information to be filled in. For those opting for the offline method, consulting a Chartered Accountant can provide further assistance.

Additionally, official policies extend financial aid to citizens, alleviating their financial burden. Many residents in British Columbia, particularly those living alone, may require assistance such as student loans, unemployment benefits, or support during health concerns. The Government takes appropriate measures to ensure the welfare of the people in these situations.



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