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How to Apply for or Renew Ontario Health Card{2024}

Discover everything you need to know about Ontario Health Card Renewal, including the application process for obtaining or renewing your Ontario Health Card.

Ontario Health Card Renewal

High-quality healthcare is accessible across all of Canada’s territories and provinces. In Ontario, residents are covered under the Ontario Health Insurance Program, requiring them to present an Ontario Health Card to access services.

It’s important to note that these cards have a validity period of five years. If your health card is green and features a photo, check the “Valid Until” section at the bottom, indicating the expiration date. Ensure to renew your card before this date, and the renewal process comes at no cost.

The Ontario Health Card is a crucial form of identification that every citizen in the province must possess. Take a moment to go through this article and gather essential information about the Ontario Health Card Renewal process, requirements, and other pertinent details.

Importance of Ontario Health Card

Ontario’s healthcare funding initiative for numerous medical treatments is known as the Ontario Health Insurance Program (OHIP). As a result, it’s crucial for everyone relocating to or residing in Ontario to be aware of this program.

To access the advantages of OHIP as an Ontario resident and newcomer, you need to submit an application. Upon approval, you’ll be issued your unique Ontario health card, serving as proof of your eligibility for the Ontario Health Insurance Program.

Your access to healthcare services in Ontario is facilitated through the use of the OHIP card. Whenever you visit a doctor, undergo testing, or receive hospital care, it’s essential to have a valid OHIP card on hand. The expenses for these services are covered by Ontario taxes.

Ontario Health Card Renewal Overview

Article Name Ontario Health Card Renewal
Administrator Ontario Province Government
Represented By Service Ontario
Purpose To cover medical expenses in the province.
Validity 5 years
Renewal Process Online


Through Mail

With Driving License

OHIC Card Renewal Fees None
Service Ontario Online Portal www.ontario.ca

How to Apply for an Ontario Health Card?

If you prefer applying for the Ontario Health Insurance Program in person, a ServiceOntario center is the appropriate location. To gather more information, you can call 416-326-1234 or 1-866-532-3161, or visit the ServiceOntario center website to locate the nearest center.

For a smoother application process, you can download and fill out the Registration for Ontario Health Insurance Coverage form before heading to a ServiceOntario Centre. It’s essential to bring three different qualifying identity documents that confirm your identification, residency in Ontario, and eligibility to live in Canada.

At the ServiceOntario center, a service clerk will process your application and take your photo. Subsequently, your OHIP card will be sent to you by mail, with an estimated delivery time of one to two weeks.

What is the Ontario Health Card Renewal Process?

To keep your eligibility for publicly funded healthcare services in Ontario, it’s essential to update your health card regularly. The process for renewing your Ontario health card varies depending on the type of card you possess.

You have the option to renew your health card using your driver’s license, through the mail, online via ServiceOntario, or in-person. Many individuals find that renewing their Ontario health card online through ServiceOntario is the most straightforward and convenient method. Alternatively, you can always choose to renew your health card in-person at a ServiceOntario center.

People, particularly those with specific medical conditions, have the option to renew their health card by mail through the completion of a Medical Exemption Request form. ServiceOntario also allows the simultaneous renewal of both your health card and driver’s license.

Ontario Health Card Online Renewal Steps

To renew your card online, it should be either within three months of expiration or not expired for over a year, and you must still reside at the same address.

Visit the Service Ontario website at https://www.ontario.ca/page/serviceontario. On the homepage, choose “Health Card Renewal” from the menu Enter necessary details, including your version code and OHIP card number. Once you’ve submitted the renewal request, wait for a response.

It’s crucial to understand that not everyone is permitted to renew their OHIP cards online. The official Service Ontario website provides a tool to check your eligibility for online renewal.

Thank you for obtaining information from us regarding the significance and procedure of OHC card renewal.



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