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2024 OAS Updates: What to Expect{2024}

Canada’s significant retirement initiative, Old Age Security (OAS), extends eligibility for OAS payments to individuals turning 65 in 2023, subject to specific residency criteria. Beyond OAS, Canadians rely on personal savings, employer pensions, and additional income sources. The Old Age Security Pension (OAS) is the most widely recognized among the various senior benefits available in Quebec and across Canada, with millions relying on it for financial support in retirement.

Established to provide seniors with a fundamental income, the OAS program remains a crucial component of retirement planning. Explore the anticipated changes to OAS in 2024, including key payment dates. This overview also delves into essential details about the Old Age Security Pension, offering insights into the expected modifications in OAS for the coming year.

Changes to OAS in 2024

The OAS pension, funded by government tax revenues and unrelated to job income, differs from the CPP. Adjusted quarterly based on the Consumer Price Index, the OAS pension is being increased by the Canadian government to support affordable living for seniors. Starting January 1, 2024, it will rise to CAD 68,500 from CAD 66,600. CPI monitors the OAS, and the inflation rate, calculated using the Consumer Price Index, influences these adjustments. The OAS Claw back limit is now CAD 90,997, up from CAD 86,912. With an EER of 5.95% and an employee earnings rate of 11.9%, this article will provide updates on OAS Pension Payment Dates 2024 and other pertinent information for January 2024.

2024 OAS Updates: What You Need to Know

Post Topic OAS Changes in 2024
Department Name Canada Revenue Agency
OAS Beneficiaries 65+ retirees of Canada
Category Government Aid
OAS Amount in 2023 CAD 66500
OAS Amount in 2024 CAD 68500
Official Website canada.ca


OAS Eligibility: Who Qualifies?

You become eligible for OAS at 65. After your 64th birthday, Service Canada will send one of two letters:

  1. A notice about automatic enrollment.
  2. A letter urging you to apply for OAS, as you may be eligible.

To qualify, you must be a Canadian citizen or lawful resident with ten years of residency in Canada after turning 18. Canadians working abroad for a Canadian employer can count their time overseas as residence if they return within six months of leaving the job or turn 65 while still employed.

If you’ve lived in a country with a social security agreement with Canada or contributed to another nation’s system with an agreement, you may also be eligible for OAS or a pension from that country.

Understanding OAS in Canada

OAS provides a fixed-rate benefit in Canada: CAD 778.45 for those over 75 and CAD 707.68 for individuals aged 64 to 74, given they meet residence requirements. You don’t need to quit your job to be eligible for OAS.

To qualify, you must have lived in Canada for ten years after turning 18, with a requirement of at least 40 years of residency after the age of 18 to receive full benefits. Those falling short of the 40-year criteria receive benefits based on their residency duration.

Landed immigrants (LI) may be eligible for an enhanced Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) if they don’t receive the full OAS. OAS payments are independent of job status, spouse income, or GDP percentages below 1%. Predictions indicate a decrease in the spending-to-GDP ratio from 3.1% in 2030 to 2.6% by 2050.

In 2031, health care expenditures are expected to increase from 12% to 18% of GDP. Canada allocates a smaller portion of its GDP to public pensions compared to many European countries and the US.

OAS Raise in 2024

In Canada, financial assistance for retirees comes in the form of the Old Age Security Pension (OAS), a crucial element of the country’s retirement system. Irrespective of their work history or income, all Canadians aged 65 and above qualify for this monthly payment. The goal is to provide seniors with a reliable and dignified retirement income, thereby enhancing their financial well-being.

The Old Age Security Pension Payment, continuing through 2024 until the Canadian Pension Plan’s global expansion, is the government’s way of supporting elderly citizens. Those over 65 are entitled to receive monthly pension payments. The previous payout amount was 66,500 Canadian dollars, and there’s an anticipated increase in the Old Age Scheme payout in 2024. Effective January 1, 2024, the OAS amount for the year will rise to CAD 68,500.



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